Contact Calvin Burks
254-865-3601 |
14 acres located west of Hamilton on FM 2005. The property has good tree cover and is triangular in shape. The property has electricity and has approx. 4 acres of farm land.
*Lot Size: 14.38
*Type: Farm/Ranch for Sale
*School District: Hamilton I. S. D.
*Water: Would have to drill a well
*Terrain: flat with good tree cover
*County: Hamilton
*Terms: Cash or Third Party Financing
From Evant go west on Hwy 84 10 miles to Star, TX and then turn right on FM 1047 and go 8 miles then turn right on FM 2005 and go 2 miles, look for a sign on the left side of the road.
Burks Real Estate
715 East US 84 Hwy
Evant, TX 76525
Calvin Burks, REALTOR®