Contact Calvin Burks
254-865-3601 |
142.66 acres with older rock house, barn, 1 well, and 4 stock tanks. The property has good tree cover (oaks, elms, pecan, cedar & mesquite) with rolling terrain. The fences are in good condition on 3 sides and the front fence is fair. The property is approx. 1 1/2 from Austin & 2 1/2 hours from Dallas.
*School District: Evant I S D
*Water: 1 well & 4 tanks
*Terrain: Rolling with good tree cover
*County: Hamilton
*Terms: Cash or Third Party Financing
From Evant go west on Hwy 84 3 miles then turn left on Conty Road 531 and then go 3/4 and the proeprty will be on your right.
Burks Real Estate
715 East US 84 Hwy
Evant, TX 76525
Calvin Burks, REALTOR®